What’s the best price for the Hoover WDXA4851?
If you are interested in buying the Hoover WDXA4851 washer dryer, then make sure you don’t pay over the odds.
The maximum price you should be paying for the Hoover WDXA4851 is 399, but the best price would be below £350.
Remember to also check out some independent review sites to see how they are rating this washer dryer. Two of the best sites for this are below, but you will have to be a member of Which? to read their reviews:
1. Reevoo
2. Which?
To see if the Hoover WDXA4851 has made it into my top washing dryer deals, check out my latest offers that I’ve searched from multiple retailers.
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Product Information
This Hoover WDXA4851 washer dryer comes with an 8kg wash and 5kg dry capacity, suitable for most, but if you have a large family you might want to go for something a little bigger.
There is an LED display, where you can keep track of the time remaining of your wash and the time delay means you can set your washer dryer to start at a time more convenient for you.
You can adjust the heat setting for the dryer to either low or high, it is recommended to use a high heat setting when drying cottons and a low heat setting for more sensitive fabrics.
If you’re in a hurry, there is a 14 minute quick wash programme for a small load of lightly soiled clothing and a 59 minute programme, where you can wash and dry an outfit, perfect for that last minute dash when you need something cleaned and ready to wear. Other special programmes include Baby, Wool and Delicates
Hoover offer a 10 year guarantee on parts (1 year for labour), but to get this you have to remember to register your warranty and parts are only free if they are fitted by Hoover, read here for more details.
Remember to take a read through my washer dryer guide before making your purchase.