What’s the best price for the Hoover DMCD1013B?
If you are interested in buying the Hoover DMCD1013B tumble dryer, then make sure you don’t pay over the odds.
The maximum price you should be paying for the Hoover DMCD1013B is £299, but the best price would be below £280.
Remember to also check out some independent review sites to see how they are rating this tumble dryer. Two of the best sites for this are below, but you will have to be a member of Which? to read their reviews:
1. Reevoo
2. Which?
To see if the Hoover DMCD1013B has made it into my top tumble dryer deals, check out my latest offers that I’ve searched from multiple retailers.
I search for the best tumble dryer deals, so you don’t have to.
Product Information
This Hoover DMCD1013B condenser tumble dryer has a large 10kg capacity so should suit most large families.
There is an LED display to show you how long your drying cycle has left until it finishes and you can even set a time delay so you can dry at a time more convenient for you .
The Aquavision water reservoir is built in to the tumble dryer door, which makes it easy for you to see when the water is filling up and needs emptying.
You can adjust the heat setting to either low or high, it is recommended to use a high heat setting when drying cottons and a low heat setting for more sensitive fabrics. There is also a Freshen Up setting, where you can quickly refresh clothes that do not need washing but have a slight odour eg slightly musty, been in your cupboard for a long time.
There is a warning light to remind you to clean the filter and if you’re in a hurry there is a 40 minute quick dry option for a small load of laundry.
Hoover offer a 10 year guarantee on parts (1 year for labour), but to get this you have to remember to register your warranty and parts are only free if they are fitted by Hoover, read here for more details.
Remember to take a read through my tumble dryer guide before you make your purchase.