What’s the best price for the Bush F54180FFWTDW?
If you are interested in buying the Bush F54180FFWTDW fridge freezer, make sure you don’t pay over the odds.
The maximum price you should be paying is £280, but the best price would be below £250.
Remember to also check out some independent review sites to see how they are rating this fridge freezer. Two of the best sites for this are Which? and Reevoo, but you will have to be a member of Which? to read their reviews. Some retailers also have their own review system so be sure to check these before you buy.
To see if the Bush F54180FFWTDW has made it into my top fridge freezer deals, check out my latest offers that I’ve searched from multiple retailers.
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Product Information
This Bush F54180FFWTDW fridge freezer comes in a white finish. It is frost free so you don’t have to waste time defrosting the freezer.
The water dispenser does not require any plumbing, instead there is a tank in the fridge door which you need to manually fill. The tank does take up some space in the fridge door but there is still plenty of room to store tall bottles.
There are four shelves in the fridge which are fixed in place with little room for adjustability and there is also a separate salad crisper to keep your fruit and vegetables fresh.
The 70/30 split on this fridge freezer is good if you require more fridge space than freezer space, it all depends on your cooling needs and priorities. If you require something with more freezer space, then it is best to opt for a fridge freezer with a 50/50 split.
Take a read through my fridge freezer buying guide before you make your purchase.