What’s the best price for the Beko WM62125W?
If you are interested in buying the Beko WM62125W washing machine, then make sure you don’t pay over the odds.
The maximum price you should be paying for the Beko WM62125W is £189, but the best price would be below £179.
Remember to also check out some independent review sites to see how they are rating this washing machine. Two of the best sites for this are below, but you will have to be a member of Which? to read their reviews:
1. Reevoo
2. Which?
To see if the Beko WM62125W has made it into my top washing machine deals, check out my latest offers that I’ve searched from multiple retailers.
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Product Information
This Beko WM62125W washing machine has a low capacity and spin speed, so wouldn’t really suit a family or someone who regularly uses a tumble dryer, as the lower spin speed will mean clothes do not come out as dry (meaning more time in the tumble dryer and thus more energy consumed).
It has a very narrow depth of only 41cm, ideal for kitchens with smaller units or that have plumbing directly behind the washing machine, as it means the product will not protrude from the front of the cabinets.
There is no time remaining display to be able to see how long your wash has before it ends, but it does have programme progress indicator lights to inform you what stage of the cycle it is currently in eg wash, spin, end.
Special programmes include a 30 minute quick wash for a small load of lightly soiled clothing and a Hand Wash programme for those delicate fabric types.
Remember to take a read through my washing machine guide before you make your purchase.