What’s the best price for the Beko DIN15X10?
If you are interested in buying the Beko DIN15X10 dishwasher, then make sure you don’t pay over the odds.
The maximum price you should be paying for the Beko DIN15X10 is £249, but the best price would be below £230.
Remember to also check out some independent review sites to see how they are rating this dishwasher. Two of the best sites for this are below, but you will have to be a member of Which? to read their reviews:
1. Reevoo
2. Which?
To see if the Beko DIN15X10 has made it into my top dishwasher deals, check out the latest offers that I’ve searched from multiple retailers.
I search for the best dishwasher deals, so you don’t have to.
Product Information
This Beko DIN15X10 dishwasher features a ProSmart Inverter Motor, which delivers improved energy efficiency, reduced noise levels and is more reliable compared to standard motors. The motor comes with 10 year warranty for extra peace of mind, but you must register your product within 90 days of purchase to benefit from this extended warranty, read here for more details.
The time delay feature will allow you to wash at a time more convenient for you and the half load function will save you some energy and time if you do not have a large load of dishes to wash.
Featuring two quick programmes, the 30 minute wash will clean lightly soiled dishes and the 58 minute programme will clean a full load of normally soiled dishes. As the quick programmes are shorter, both these programmes will not dry your items, they will only clean them.
The folding plate supports in the bottom basket will make it easy for you to wash either plates or large pots or pan and the height adjustable upper basket can be positioned at two different heights, perfect if you have either tall glasses or plates to clean.
Remember to take a read through my dishwasher guide before you make your purchase.